Giza: An Overview
Egypt Circulate Travel Egypt Circulate Travel

Giza: An Overview

Egypt is not only a beautiful country, but it also boasts some of the richest culture and history the world has to offer. One of the richest historic cities in Egypt? Giza…

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The Sphinx
Egypt Circulate Travel Egypt Circulate Travel

The Sphinx

With origins in the Old Kingdom, the Sphinx holds a large significance both in ancient and modern times. The most commonly known Sphinx is the famous Sphinx of Giza, otherwise known as the Great Sphinx of Egypt.

The Great Sphinx is a historic, monumental statue of a mythical creature in ancient Egypt that depicts a human head on a lion’s body. Note that while the name “Sphinx” is based on the Greek creature that boasts a woman’s head, all Egyptian Sphinxes boast the head of a man.

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