Ancient Nubia

The history of Nubia dates back to 2000 BCE, and was home to one Africa’s earlier kingdoms. 

Nubia was once a powerful nation, separate from Egypt. Known for its richness in gold, and as a gateway for trade, it’s no wonder it was such a desired land. It's been determined that Nubia and Egypt had a longstanding  and complex relationship; warring several times over Nubia’s superior trading territory.

Known for being expert archers, native Nubians used their skills to command a lethal military. In certain instances, Nubian troops were able to conquer and rule Egypt for several years. 


Ironically it seems that the Nubians and Egyptians were quite similar in many respects; culturally, religiously, and socially. The two cultures agreed on several social issues including mixed marriages; and, religiously many Nubians honored the Gods of Egypt while many Egyptians also honored the Gods of Nubia - both cultures clearly influenced one another [1].

Origin of the Name

Before becoming known as the Nubian territory, it was known as the Kingdom  of Kush - after its collapse, however, the land was taken over by Nubians. 

There are many theories as to the origin of the name Nubia. One assumption is that it was derived from the ancient Egyptian word for gold because of its inherent richness in minerals. Another is that it was a name given to them by the Egyptians as a token of respect of their lethally skilled archers - translating to ‘the land of the bow’. 


Interestingly enough, if you ever have the luck of visiting Aswan and the Nubian Village, you’ll be able to explore the ancient wall art where you’ll see Nubians depicted in battle with bows and arrows.

A Popular Tourist Area

Today, the Nubian Village is a popular destination for tourists in Aswan. The Nubian Village boasts colorful row housing, a welcoming community of locals, and an abundance of Egyptian culture to indulge in; from tombs, pyramids, monuments, ancient wall art, and more.


It’s very important to note that the current Nubian Village is not at all a representation of its past glory.

Nevertheless, its beauty and peace today can’t go unnoticed. If you’re in the area, whether you’re looking for a history lesson or simply a day of relaxation and exploration, Nubian Village is a must-visit. To book your next Egyptian adventure, visit:


Aswan: An Overview


The Sphinx