Aswan: An Overview

Known for being the primary gateway to Africa [1] as the southernmost city in Egypt, the city of Aswan has played a significant role in ancient Egyptian history. Not only because of its unique location, but, among other reasons, for its role as a military station. 

Today, the bustling city of Aswan boasts a population of 1.5 million [2] and is a popular tourist attraction for locals and foreigners alike. 

Largely known for its natural beauty, great weather, tombs, temples and other ancient architecture; Aswan was once a powerful and wealthy city that was home to several Egyptian Pharaohs and Greek Goddesses.


History of the Name

Aswan was once known as the ancient city of Swenett - presumably after Egyptian Goddess Swenett. Over the course of the city’s history, the name was changed from Swenett to Syene, and ultimately Aswan.

Nevertheless, the city of Aswan remains home to several monuments, attractions, and other sites —  several worth noting for their historical significance. 

Nubian Village

The city of Aswan is also home to the famous Nubian Village. A top destination for tourists visiting the area, the Nubian Village boasts colorful row housing, welcoming residences, and an abundance of Nubian culture to indulge in. 

If you’re in the area, the Nubian Village is a must-visit.


Aswan High Dam

The Aswan Dam holds historical significance as the world’s largest embankment dam and the first recorded attempt at a dam construction near the city of Aswan in 1959 — although, the Dam was completed in 1970.

Standing 3830 meters long and nearly 1000 meters wide, it’s quite an attraction to explore [3].

Initially constructed to protect from the floods of the Nile, the Aswan Dam also acts as a reservoir. The Aswam High Dam has practically eliminated the annual Nile flood and contributes a great deal to the Egyptian power supply; it has also improved navigation/transportation along the river itself.

Temple of Philae

Considered one of the great preservations in Egypt, Philae sits on the west of the Nile; its construction began in 237 BC. Though the city of Aswan is home to several majestic temples, the Temple of Philae sits atop the rankings for its historical significance and beauty.


The Temple of Philae was built in honor of Isis, an Egyptian Goddes known for serving several functions as the god of kingship and the sky. Its purpose, much like the rest of the temples in Egypt, was to worship and nourish its God. To this day, it’s still one of the greatest preserved temples in the land. 

The Ultimate Egyptian Vacation

Steeped in ancient history, signified over centuries, and now a city full of charm and historic attractions; Aswan is most certainly a destination to visit during your time in Egypt..

With several activities that can be enjoyed by everyone, picturesque views that are simply awe-inspiring and historic sites & monuments to explore, there’s no reason not to visit Aswan if Egypt is on your travel list!

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Luxor: An Overview


Ancient Nubia